Working on Xmas tunes!

Tis the time for jolly, happy, wonderfulness – and Vince Guaraldi never loses that special charm. Upcoming private Christmas parties and generally, just to put me in a good head space, a little jazzy Xmas piano noodlings, is good medicine.


Jamming the funk and disco with Groove & Tonic this coming thurs. Always a supreme pleasure to play with musicians par excellance.

Photoshoot for new trio project

Got the props, lights and hair all coiffed for a stellar shoot with Ben Wylie of Au4 prestige.  Gotta translate our chillbient stylings to image now…:)


I started classical piano lessons at an early age, growing up on the prairies. Long, cold winters encouraged an exploration of blues, pop, folk and funk; additional tools—guitar, bass, drums, and voice—became extensions of my creative spirit. We jammed in garages, barnlofts and basement rec rooms. These places were the breeding grounds for expansion into a multitude of styles. In …